ORP " Groźny" 351

ORP " Groźny" 351
Był moim domem przez kilka lat.

środa, 24 kwietnia 2024

Starożytna perska metoda egzekucji


Time Capsule Tales
The boats torture, also known as scaphism, was an ancient Persian execution method that involved a boat, milk, and honey. The executioners tied the victim inside a narrow boat, with the head, legs, and feet left outside. Then they forcibly fed the victim with a mixture of milk and honey. In addition, they smeared the victim’s body with both. Mosquitos, wasps, flies, and other insects came to feast on the victim. Since honey and milk cause diarrhea, the victim was covered with his own feces, which attracted even more insects. The flies laid eggs, which resulted in the worms that ate the victim from the inside out.

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