ORP " Groźny" 351

ORP " Groźny" 351
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wtorek, 30 lipca 2024

ORP Grom


Polish Destroyer ORP Grom is launched at the J. Samuel White Shipyard in Cowes, Isle of Wight, England - July 20, 1936. Grom’s sister-ship ORP Błyskawica, seen on the ways on the left, would be launched on October 1, 1936.
The two Grom-class destroyers were among the fastest and most heavily armed destroyers in the pre-WW2 era. Their design resulted in large & powerful destroyers, superior to German & Soviet destroyers of the time, and comparable to the famous Royal Navy Tribal class. In August 1939, the Polish Destroyers Grom, Błyskawica, and the older smaller Burza fled to the UK to serve with the Royal Navy after Poland was invaded by Germany in WW2.
ORP Grom was sunk off Norway by Luftwaffe Bombers on May 4, 1940.
ORP Błyskawica survived WW2, and in 1976 became a museum ship in Gdynia.
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